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Is Google Ads quality score a waste of time?

After years of running successful adwords campaigns with conversion ratios averaging 40-80% we can tell you with confidence not to waste your time trying to build a landing page with a perfect quality score (10).

The number one reason you shouldn’t waste your time.

Google does not demonstrate an example page with a perfect quality score that you could build off of.

We wasted plenty of time trying to make a Landing page with a quality score of (10). It’s supposed to translate to lower costs per click. So we followed Google’s vague instructions as close as possible. Use your keyword for your campaign name, ad group, etc. Make a landing page relevant to your campaign, ad group, ad and keywords with proper use of html tags. We also followed advice around the web such as add privacy policy, terms of use, etc.

The highest we scored initially was always (7-8). And sometimes that score would be as low as (3) without changing much. We found if you edited the keyword (ignoring warnings of losing stats), and saved, your quality score would change back to (7).

Then we gave up, and ran (1) campaign, (1) group, (1) ad with a bunch of relevant keywords. We found that quality score fluctuated throughout the campaign. Within a few days some keywords had a quality score of (10) for no special reason. The savings was not significant. Then the score changed back to (7), and continued to fluctuate up and down randomly without anything else changing.

So once again. Don’t waste your time playing Google’s Mysterious Quality Score game. Concentrate on building a landing page that will convert traffic into sales. Then use a set of targeted keywords from (1) ad, then a/b test different designs and ad copy until you find your sweet spot.